The Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on Early-Stage Biomedical Investment Decisions
When assessing the viability of an investment, investors attempt to calculate the business’s or product’s net-present value (NPV). The NPV combines a project’s likelihood of success with an estimate of the money it may make over time to determine its present value to investors. The price-setting provisions of the IRA reduce the NPV of any drug candidate at launch by 40%. If investors aren’t confident they will earn a return on their investment, they won’t invest in new drug candidates, and most ideas will never leave the laboratory.
The Harmful Consequences of the US Adopting the UK’s Math for Setting Drug Prices
Europe and the United Kingdom undervalue new medicines. If the United States adopted European-style price controls, the world would benefit from fewer new cures–and we’d all be worse off.
How We Cured Hepatitis C: 15 Years of Ingenuity, Investment, Risk, Failure, and Perseverance
This slide deck contains a powerful visual illustration of the biotech industry’s race to find a cure for Hepatitis C. Run through the slide deck quickly to appreciate the sheer level of hustle that won the world a cure, and then more slowly to appreciate every move in the chess game of mergers & acquisitions.