Community Quests
There are scientists everywhere among us and we all play a role in biomedical progress. This is our collection of letters that innovators have published in regional newspapers across the US about how members of their community tie into their work to tackle particular diseases.
Cambridge is home to the world's most innovative biotech companies. Resident Neil Kairen explains the importance of this industry and suggests explanations for why so many misunderstand its value.
Here are five policies President Biden should include in his State of the Union address on Thursday.
Researchers in Pennsylvania are working on a cure for Parkinson’s. Price controls threaten their progress.
A company in Virginia is working on a vaccine to protect babies from rotavirus and norovirus.
NPLB noted that including factors, such as diminishing returns and dynamic pricing, helps assess medication value better than traditional CEA.
No Patient Left Behind’s updated methodology accounts for disease severity, loss of market exclusivity and social value
Governments around the world have withheld access to life-changing medications for people with cystic fibrosis (CF) for years in the name of being hawkish on drug pricing.
Biopharma CEOs, investors call for same timeline for biologics, small molecules and lower out-of-pocket costs
Alzheimer’s and diseases like it have horrible costs on individuals, caregivers, and their families. A treatment for Alzheimer’s would not only relieve suffering for the patient and their family, but it would increase the productivity of millions of Americans and lower direct and indirect costs associated with care. And, once the treatment becomes generic, it will permanently upgrade human health for much less.