American Rescue Plan Takes Important Action to Expand Affordable Health Coverage

Mar. 11, 2021 - Washington, DC

No Patient Left Behind (NPLB) celebrated key health coverage and patient affordability provisions signed into law today by President Biden.

The American Rescue Plan takes immediate action to lower the cost of health insurance for Americans hurt by the public health emergency, ensures that insurance companies not charge low-income individuals and families for COVID-19 vaccines and treatment, and creates new incentives for states to permanently expand Medicaid coverage for non-elderly Americans. The new law also makes meaningful investment in the country’s health infrastructure.

“Lowering the cost of health insurance, reducing copayments for prescribed therapies, and expanding coverage options are essential to improve the health of all Americans,” said NPLB Executive Director Peter Rubin.

Rubin noted that “Too many Americans face unaffordable health insurance copayments and deductibles, even when a treatment is prescribed by a doctor and approved by an insurance company. Sadly, this was true before COVID-19 and it remains true today.”

Unaffordable out-of-pocket costs charged by insurance companies can be fatal to their customers. A recent study from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that increasing copays by just $10 causes a significant decrease in patients filling their prescriptions, resulting in a 33% increase in mortality.

Rubin concluded: “The American Rescue Plan takes important steps to fill coverage and affordability gaps exacerbated by COVID-19. But policymakers, payers, and stakeholders must work together to further lower out-of-pocket costs for all treatments their doctors prescribe.” NPLB is a non-profit coalition of patients, patient advocates, physicians, scientists, industry leaders, and biotech investors who are dedicated to creating and maintaining patient access to affordable medicines by holding both insurance and drug companies accountable for their policies and practices.


NPLB Applauds Growing Momentum for Insurance Reforms that Lower Out-of-Pocket Costs for Patients